Here are 6 Christmas photography tips you need to know to make this Holliday season special
Take epic Christmas photos and wow your friends
Interested in learning how you can capture this year’s festive spirit forever in the most beautiful manner possible? Then this is the post for you!
Capturing the Holiday Spirit on Camera. Here are 6 Christmas Photography Tips
Christmas is just around the corner and we are sure you have your own specific arrangements underway already!
If you are a photography fan, it is a given that you look forward to Christmas with great zest and zeal, not because you may bag a few photography related gifts but also because this is a great occasion for you to practice some of your talents, too.
So without further due, here are our 6 Christmas photography tips which will help you make special festive moments even more special.
1: Set up a Christmas Photo Booth:
The last thing you would want your photographs to come across as is boring!
Especially for an occasion like Christmas, you would want your pictures to stand out and you have got to be more creative than just asking everyone to pose near the Christmas tree. Setting up a Christmas booth with some cute Christmas themed props is a spectacular idea to get photographs that are incredibly fun and interesting. You can either make some Christmas themed props yourself or just buy a few inexpensive ones and you’re set. Check out this link for some good ones.
2: Pay Attention to the Lighting Situation:
One of the most overlooked things during Christmas photoshoots is the lighting in which you are photographing your subjects in. It is important that you look around and capture all the color in your surroundings. Christmas lights can add a lot of color to your images making them fun and exciting.
3: Be Careful with the Flash:
Speaking of the lighting situation, pay some attention to how you use the flash. You do not want the flash to be so bright that it ends up “washing off” almost the entire picture. While this is easily one of the simplest tips to follow, a lot of people manage to forget it: diffuse your flash or get rid of it all together and use a very wide aperture like F1.4 remember Christmas colors are around use them to beautify your images.
4: Adjust Your Aperture According to the Composition:
Depending on what you want the composition of your picture to turn out like, you need to adjust your aperture’s settings. For example, if you want just the decoration on the Christmas tree to be the focus of the photo’s composition, a larger aperture setting would be best (F-1.2, F-1.4, F-1.8). This would help keep the focus just on that decoration or portrait while everything else gets blurred out capturing only the colors and Christmas mood.
5: Nifty Fifty:
The 50 mm lens is a great lens to use this time a year. It is a great lens for portraits and close-ups and they usually have a very low F-Stop some even go down to F-1.2 meaning you can get some incredible depth of field and capture very colorful images. There are just so many scenes and settings that happen during this time which would look super good if photographed up close with a large aperture.
6: Start Early:
One of the best Christmas photography tips is to start taking your photos a week earlier than Christmas. Do not wait for the Christmas Eve to bring out your camera, bring it out sooner and click some beautiful shots of all the beautiful things that ultimately lead to Christmas.
This way, you will have a variety of Christmas photographs that show a lot more than just the Christmas tree and decorations. The tree can be one of the main highlights, but it does not have to be the only highlight of all your photographs. Starting early can also be used as practice.
Think outside the box and Merry Christmas! Do you have other tips you can add to the list? Leave them in the comments below, we would love to grow this list.