Some of the most divine moments, unique locations I have ever journeyed too over the past 3 years. I share with you all a series of some of my most powerful images which resonate with me in the deepest ways. For the past few years I have been embarking on a spiritual journey, connecting with the light on a more spiritual level. My purpose to capture and create imagery in the ways I envision, is to simply help spread light and inspiration throughout this planet. More recently I have been seeing the world differently, seeing the importance of helping those in need. Spreading love, light and happiness where there is darkness.
I am better known across the world for portraying my art using my feelings in a creative way. By doing this I have reached out to people on deeper levels then most. I have always envisioned myself using my imagery to shape and change people’s views on the world in a positive way. Being unique to my own imagery and vision has been the major stepping-stones to my success as a landscape photographer. Always stay true to your own unique vision, unique mind and unique spirit. We are each special in our own ways. A few things I will finish this write-up off with. So many people often ask me what inspires me each day to do what I do. I typically enjoy the fact that my imagery inspires others to get out and live a positive life style and spread positive vibes. To me this is the ultimate reward.
I would like to also give a big thanks to a few special people in my life. People that I connect with and that I believe are truly amazing! Thanks to my business partners Hillary and Jason, and also a big thanks to Kate. You can see more of my works and learn a bit more about me on my Facebook.
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