I went flying my drone yesterday, and to my surprise after doing an update on my Dji Go app, it kept crashing. This was extremely frustrating and I was very confused by the entire thing. I use an iPhone, however after reading lots and lots of forums, and blog posts, it turns out this has been a very common issue with everyone that uses the app no matter if they are android or ios.
I did lots of research all night and most of the morning and I really did not get anywhere. I kept trying to do all kinds of things, people, where saying to do, but nothing. All the sudden a lightbulb went off in my head, and I uninstalled the app, restarted my phone, re-installed the app and boom it works!
I am happy to announce that the app is now working correctly and I am able to fly my drone without any more crashes. This is a big relief as I started to panic and really thought there was something wrong with my phone. Sometimes the fix is so simple we tend to overcomplicate it.
Did you try this? Did it work for you?