It was June 2014, and I can still remember it as if it was yesterday… I was sitting at my computer, planning a photo trip to the Azores islands, when I suddenly thought of “Iceland”, as if the idea erupted right out of my unconscious. The famous land of fire and ice was a constant presence in so many online photo communities, feeding my dreams every time I saw images of its landscapes. Unfortunately I had always thought such a trip was totally outside my budget, until I suddenly found myself searching for plane ticket prices and car rental companies…
After some research, I found out that Iceland had suffered a great economic crisis, just like many other european countries (including mine), and tourism prices were considerably lower than I expected. I was instantly hooked, and couldn’t stop thinking about the possibility of finally visiting this place. To be able to make it I wouldn’t be able to afford for accommodation, and restaurants were incredible expensive, so it quickly became a question of deciding between a two week hotel-fancy-meal-everything-included trip to Azores or a one week sleep-in-the-car-sandwich-meals to Iceland. I guess you know which one I chose…
Since my first trip, I’ve visited this wonderful country three times. I don’t quite know how to explain this, but it feels as if a part of me belongs to this exquisite dreamlike place, compelling me to return over and over, as a way to once more feel the most intense nature connection I’ve ever felt in my life.
It’s quite incredible to think that one day I was sitting quietly at home and then, a few weeks later, those enlightened places which only existed inside the oniric landscapes of imagination materialized right in front of me. During all trips to Iceland something too profound and primitive happened on that infinite piece of land, inhabiting an excessively large room inside of me. Sometimes I wipe off its dust and open its windows to let the air flow, but when I glance at it I can only find memories and shadows, longing for a new encounter.
After shooting many incredible spots in Iceland, I can confirm that some kind of divine creature must have participated in sculpting this place. There is just too much unique beauty there, making it impossible to imagine it as a byproduct of chaos and randomness.
As you have certainly understood by my words, I’m absolutely passionate about this place, and I’ve been building a portfolio of this incredible country for the last three years.
You can see more of José Ramos work at and follow him on Facebook and Instagram.
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