Photographer of the week Florian Schwientek
I was fascinated of photography since I was a 8-year-old boy and started taking pictures then. I went to several children photography courses and worked in a darkroom to develop my own pictures. After my father bought his first DSLR camera I tried a lot of things from taking pictures of people, macro stuff, landscape and of course holiday photography with his camera.
Over the last two years I became certain that the area of landscape photography is the only one I am absolutely into. I´ve always been a child and teenager who had to be outside to feel free and confident, so there is the connection to landscape photography and the perfect combination of being out in nature and taking beautiful pictures for me.
I own my Canon EOS 6D since the beginning of this year with for now four lenses from 14 to 400 mm and several filters. I developed some rules for my pictures, e.g. that there is never a person on my pictures because I would like to show our planet without any humans. As a contrast to that I like showing modern cities with there up to date architecture to demonstrate how much people are able to accomplish. Florian tells Shut Your Aperture.
You can see more here.
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